Our believe in perfect organization

Heaven Father organized his world to be in love, perfect, he created man and woman to build family. We saw in that creation many people tried to interpret the Fall, but let’s stay in our believe, the family is a truth creation in mortal and eternal life. In the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ, we believe in eternal life. This mortal life, we commit following the teaching of Jesus Christ with the restoration of the gospel by Joseph Smith. We get Married and we go to the Temple, that is the sign of our believe man and woman can unify get children and seal as family for ever. I always will remember when we went to the Temple, my boys were like 12 and 13 years old. After event, at home in our conversation, I personally was looking to know what it was in their mind going to the Temple. The answers I received were amazing. The classic one, it was how they found in the room, seeing in the mirrors the continuation of the pictures. The beauty of that we expended time talking as family and I found some moment of thinking about Eternal life.

Today learning the power of Priesthood makes me grow, makes me feel the responsibility of being a father of family, in the Mortal life and what needs to be prepared as we can go in the next life what is Eternal for ever. I know Jesus is my Savior, my redeemer, Holy Ghost is my companion and Heaven Father loves me I need to be close to him by praying and following the teaching of his son. My family is very important, I need to use faithfully my Melchizedek Priesthood I am holding to protect my family and prepare the future of my next generation to come. I am so grateful to know about all of these and grow my believe and my Faith in Jesus Christ.

Consciously, we know what it is going around the world, so many divorces, violence in the family for many reason people are fighting. The increase of the crime, terrorism national or International. My dear brothers and sisters I think all of these are the results of ourselves. The choice we are making by following anything without using properly the Agency. God created his world with a great idea of that we can live and enjoy but we should respect each other also respect his will.

Man and woman are created to live in harmony, to create family enjoy life. Let’s help each another and make our father happy for choosing us to make this place great. Let’s put our prayer for those who are facing challenges of violence to get peace in their hearts. Let’s pray for people who are creating activities involving terrorism to stop and change their mind to build positivism and peace in the society. No one would like to be in the war conflict, keep in our prayers then heavenly Father will find the way to save the innocent people who are dying in different kind of the conflicts, famine. Please do not prejudge your prayers.

I leave you this in the name of our Redeemer, our Savior, who is our Savior


The importance of Content Marketing

Why is content marketing important? Content marketing is important because it answers your audience’s questions and helps you build trust, develop relationships, improve conversions, and generate leads. In the market now customers expect high-quality, consistent content from their favorite brands.


The content does help you to create communication, your message educates your readers, and persuades them to purchase your products and services over your competition. In fact, providing high quality content is one of the most important things you can do to attract clients and create interest in your business.

Content marketing leads consumers to acquire more informative, engagement if this can be done right, you are in the business. By having a content marketing strategy, you direct the consumer’s attention to more and more pieces of content, further establishing your brand but also giving you a chance to know your audience much better

Content has the power to make people feel passionate about the brand, good connection, creating the needs. Mainly because a successful content marketing campaign helps them see that they share the same values, they can even promote the product indirectly before buying product. A great way to start is to share and demonstrate the company’s values throughout the content you share on social media.

Creating content helps businesses grow from the ground up. Your business website must be well crafted with all the right content to reach your audience, providing the information they need. You are preparing them to become loyal customer.

Good content marketing provides value to your audience. Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience by demography, psychosociological and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action

Content marketing helps to improve conversions because it allows you to connect with and educate your leads and customers. Not only are you working to build trust and relationships, but you are also encouraged conversions, what is the reason your ROI, can improve. By giving consumers the information, they need to make an educated purchasing decision

Relevant content shows potential customers that you are catering to their specific needs at a specific point in their user journey. By creating content that is relevant and informative, you show potential customers that you have something important to say, also demonstrate the knowledge of your product.

Content marketing includes things like educational articles, e-books, videos, entertainment, and webinars that answer specific questions people have and provide them with something they can’t get elsewhere. It’s the best way to turn your product, no matter how common, into something that is not like everyone else’s

The key goal of content marketing – and other “forms” of marketing – is to increase profit but the ways to do that have changed. The number of content formats people value has exploded. The days of using one channel to reach an audience are over.

Why is content marketing important for small businesses?

Content marketing delivers a higher ROI than traditional advertising. Building trust with your customers can result from providing meaningful content that builds a relationship with them. Leveraging your customers’ user-generated-content is a cost-effective content strategy. SEO and content marketing go together.

Content creation is the process of generating topic ideas that appeal to your buyer persona, creating written or visual content around those ideas, and making that information accessible to your audience as a blog, video, infographic, or other format. The value of content marketing lies in the engagement between the customer and your company. Traditional advertising shouts at prospect customers whereas content marketing talks with them. Essentially, it is about the creation and participation in meaningful conversations and development of relationships.https://www.Tubebuddy.com/nzimbu

Fundamentals of Digital Market

Digital currency

The cryptocurrency is an asset by the need of users in the actual market. The digital currency started in 2008 by an unknow person Satoshi Nakamoto. We still learn from him but never see publicly. The bitcoin knows as BTC keep growing his value from 5 cent in the beginning (2008) to $69.000.00 in October 2021.

Since 2008 at today, the digital money created a new market value of money exchanges. We can trade as we can grow the profit from our initial account. The market is open to anyone who would like to participate. But it is like everything, we need knowledge. The education is very important. We are talking about money, there many different digital currencies now in the market with different needs. We need to get some education, before jumping in the market.

It is very important to know what we are doing, the market is very good, you can make some money, good money or you also can loss money or a lot of money.  The market has his reality, the volatility of going up and down. That is kind of the reality you must learn when to buy and when also to sale. The big mistake many people do, they want to make money, but they don’t want to know how they can do. We have so much information, but you need a coach, a helper who can tell you what to follow, understand before you move up. Also, some people be afraid because of the speculation by some medias, or government. There are so many stories you can hear.

For sure there are many speculations with digital currency, virtual money. This is true because of many Ponzi and scam are happening regularly online. People are losing money, some are jumping without knowledge or experience, the reality is clearly then we must learn this exactly like science and apply before dreaming to become rich quick. By my experience, you need to take time of learning from the basic before starting to invest. You must learn how to create a wallet can help you to hold your Coins. You can practice receiving and send cryptocurrency to your partners.

Learning the security of the technology created. Blockchain is the technology with highest level to protect your asset. This is built to keep the cryptocurrencies safer than the Banks. This is decentralised system can secure your asset. No body can’t access your account, no one is allowed to know how much you have in your wallet, if you didn’t tell or show. This is very important to anyone to understand how it does work properly. It is very good for the security. Also, some inconvenience if you lost your password, that is very dangerous. You can loss all your money in that account. The reason why, you deserve a training, coaching.

The advice we can suggest is keep learning progressively practice before start putting money anywhere. There are some predators who are scamming, robing people online. The knowledge is power if you can focus on learning, nothing will affect you. Everything in the beginning looks hard and difficult to accomplish. It does demand effort, determination to reach our goal. It is never too later to achieve his goal. Think about the computer and Internet in the middle of 1990. Many people quitted, retired earlier because of the change, they didn’t want to learn the use of new system. Today we are living with the computers and sleeping with.

The big change is now, we heard many times people like Robert Kiyosaki saying the dollar is going out, in Bankruptcy. This is a true change, new money you don’t need to touch and change the virus from anywhere to your pocket. The money we can trust, no one will duplicate. It was time to change a system corrupted


Crowdsignal blocks in WordPress

Welcome to this little demo page! We would love to introduce you to our set of Crowdsignal blocks and created this post for you, so that you can test and play with all of them right inside of your editor.

Preview this post if you would like to test the Crowdsignal blocks from your visitors perspective. Oh and please feel free to delete this draft post anytime, it was only created for demo purposes.


Let’s start with a quick overview of all our current blocks available in your WordPress editor. You can find all these blocks inside your block library via searching for their name or simply by searching “Crowdsignal”.

If you want to learn more about Crowdsignal please go to crowdsignal.com and join our little community all about feedback here.


We all have opinions! Curious about the opinion of your audience? Start asking with our poll block. It makes creating a poll as fast and simple as listing bullet points.

 You can choose between a button or a list style for your answer options, and you can fully customize the styling of the block.  By default the poll block will support your theme styling, but it’s up to you if you want to keep it. You can customize the style how you want, from font-family to border colours.

Just click in the poll below and start editing.

And everything else you expect from a Crowdsignal poll is also available — such as setting “single answer” or “multiple answer” choices, a customised confirmation message, poll timeframe, and avoidance of double voting.

Here is a short demo video for how to set up this block, not that you would need it 😉

Feedback Button

You might have spotted it already, in the bottom left corner of this page: Our Feedback button.

This is a floating button that lives above your site’s content. Always visible this button makes giving feedback easy! User can send you a message and provide their email address so you could can get back to them. Needless to say that you can fully customize the design and text, including the label of the button itself. Feel free to make it a “Contact me” or “Say hello” button or anything you like.

And yes, you can change its placement! You can put the button in any corner of your site. Just try it! Click in the feedback and start editing.

Don’t miss out on your customers’ feedback. Keep your door open anytime and place a feedback button on all your pages.


Sometimes we need just quick and fast feedback from our audience. A quick voting button might be all you need. Fully customizable of course.

There is already a “like” button at the end of a WordPress post that you can click to express satisfaction or agreement. But what if you want to ask readers their opinion on a subject in the middle of a post? Or what if you want to present several ideas and find out which one is the most popular? Wouldn’t it be great to ask readers what they think without having to leave the editor or switch to another service or plugin?

That’s what we thought! Say hello to our Voting Block:

It’s a simple block that adds two voting buttons—thumbs up, thumbs down—to your post wherever you want to place them. Customize the block in different sizes and colors, with or without a border, and with or without a visible vote counter. Put several in a single post, next to different ideas, to see how they stack up for readers. Make the block your own!


The Applause block is a simpler and more playful version of our Voting block. The main differences are users only being able to give positive feedback and encouraging users to “make as much noise as they want”. Meaning this block does not only allow repeated voting, but even encourages it.

Let your audience make some noise with a big round of applause.

Preview this post and try clapping yourself! It’s fun.

The block currently comes in three different sizes, and can be customised with a button-like styling, including a border, border radius and some colour customisation options.

Embed Surveys & Forms

So far we only talked about quick and fast ways to collect feedback or opinions from your audience. But what if you have many questions or want to create simple forms? You can do this with Crowdsignal, too! Create a survey or form on app.crowdsignal.com and embed it into your WordPress post or site. Similar like here:

The Crowdsignal survey above was embedded using our “Single question per page mode.” It’s exactly what it sounds like: In this mode, no matter how many questions your survey has, your respondents will always see one question at a time. Single Mode shines when you embed a survey into your website or blog post. Surveys with multiple questions can take up a lot of space, overwhelming your site. If you’re not sure whether your readers will take the survey at all, it disrupts the reading experience. With Single Mode, a survey  uses the same amount of space as an image, even a really long survey.

Once they provide an answer (or skip the question),  the next question loads. It has a playful  feel, like flipping through a slide show. Every answered question feels like progress.

You can choose between several transition options, and decide whether the questions should move from top to bottom, or from left to right.

Ready to create one? Here’s how:

– Go to app.crowdsignal.com (we will log you in with your WordPress.com account – magic ;)) .

– Create a new survey.

– In the Editor, choose “Single Mode” at the top left.

– Then create as many questions as you like and style your theme.

– When you are ready click on Sharing and copy the URL of your survey.

– Go back to your WordPress editor and paste the URL of your survey into your post

– Done! Your survey will appear in your post.

Here is a short demo video for you that shows you how it works in less than a minute:

Measure NPS

While we are driving our projects, working hard on our products, we all wonder: How are we doing? Are people satisfied with our service? Are we doing better since last month? 

Sometimes you want to measure your progress over time. Measure and monitor the customer satisfaction and growth potential of your product with a Net Promoter Score.

We have built a Gutenberg block for you that makes it easier than ever before to track your Net Promoter Score on WordPress. If you have previewed this post before, you might have seen the NPS question already in a modal window.

The moment you add the block, you are basically done. The design of the block is based on your site’s theme. You can still customize the styling of the block, or edit the questions, but that might not even be necessary.

To get the most out of your NPS data, it is important to show the question only to users that are already familiar with your service or product. You can configure the block to only show to repeat visitors. It’s more likely you will get feedback from someone who knows what they are talking about, and you can make sure new users are not interrupted during their first visit to your site.

After you publish the block go to the results page of the block and monitor your results. We have built a special results page for you to track your NPS score and to analyse any additional feedback.

We provide an analytics dashboard with our block that automatically calculates the Net Promoter Score for you in real-time and allows you to monitor your score over time. Are the differences geographic? Filter your results based on countries.

By the way, did you know you also can get email notifications or a ping in your Slack channel any time you get an NPS rating? Just click on the little “connect” button on your results page.

Here is a quick tutorial video on how it works.

W13 Reflection: Ranking, Link Building & Google Analytics

The magic moment for this week was time of learning, performing how ranking our website and playing with google Analytics. Doing business is not magic but it can give us the power of changing many things around; because entrepreneurial is about transforming things positively, doing services, helping others, and making difference in our society, community. The reason why this week was magic; time to learn how we can compete and maintain our position higher. Google Analytics can help us to track the number, how we are performing online, we can make some changes, Optimize, and increase our ranking. Some time is hard to find all by your self; but the education we have, it is one of the best we can trust. Discussing with the small groups is making things extremely easy some time then we must say thank you to all who are working hard for making this happen. Full of joy getting to the end of this busy semester, I personally want to thank everyone for the program we are doing, and I wish many others to join BUY Idaho online to experiment. “For members of the Church, education is not merely a good idea—it’s a commandment,” says President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency


W09 Reflection Relevance & Quality Score

A close up of a keyboard

Description automatically generated

Join us success guarantee with teamwork. Learn trading with the

I did like this week so much practically hands on, working with google Analytics, creating ads, installing this amazing tool in google platform to my website, experimented how this can make you more successful by using it. I find it especially useful tracking, measuring the performance of your ads on the website. Relevant Quality Score, many people are using google, or some platform to promote their business opportunities. It is so hard to see how they are expending money, everything you do has meanings , if you know what you are doing, that is very good, if you do not, it will be better to ask and you will know. It is no stupid question, the stupid question is ;what you did not ask, I heard many times Jim Rhon saying this. This week just blow my mind how I can change myself promoting my business or to people who will give me the opportunity to help them do it. 

.Monga Akambu

W08 Reflection, Ads

Doing business involve many aspects before we see the final work. We need good idea, the strategy to make this as project can change many lives, some people project making money. This week I did like how we been creating ADDs, this is especially important for anyone who want to maximize his revenue from the business. Today google is one of the best platforms we can learn how to reach many clients by creating some simple add. The best of marketing for any opportunity we must pay attention. Creating a website was the key for me to break the fear of doing something special. I went through by myself building the website.

The leadership and Management are particularly important to anyone who is in the business. We had opportunity to learn and know then Jesus Christ is a perfect example of leader we should follow. He was listener, was a patient, pleading, loving leader. The Savior’s leadership was selfless. Jesus knew how to involve his disciples in the process of life. There is the virtue anyone who desire to become good leader should learn. I am so grateful having opportunity to learn this week.https://bit.ly/3p4U2hX

W07 Reflection, Google Ads & Keywords

This mid-semester made me feel the grace of being a child of God. Two weeks ago, I was getting full in my mind, I took few moments to say thank you to my savior for all I received until now in this program. I am so grateful, by myself I could not come through, the reason why I started saying this. I was very affected with the loss of my father, I really was no energic, everything I was not ready. I was not getting in., after taking time to ask and saying in my deepest hard, I just started doing my regular ritual of studying and I think now it is time to say thank to my Lord.

I did understand the value of the customer service, the sacrifice we can do as entrepreneur, salesperson, or customer experience. For me doing anything I must pay attention to the people I am providing service. It takes time to build relation, but it does take only second to destroy.  I did enjoy all group discuss; I did learn how some company culture of hiring people with the perspective of building the team in their needs. In this program, I did also like the part of customer service study from Harvard Manage mentor. We are moving in the main of doing business with google, we discuss, we searched how we can maximize with google SEO and capitalize with the key words.http://cztrading.weebly.com/

W06 Reflection, Legal Structure

Creating a business is not easy, we need good idea, working on any project takes effort. We must give some sacrifices, there are many steps to follow if we deserve to make the idea works. We need good plan, budget, define the goal to reach. It does not matter how big or small project; all looks almost same thing. This week was time to get deep to the Government site. What means; taxes, license, permit and what are the benefits of getting all that paperwork. This learning is performed by the groups of students dedicated to becoming entrepreneurs. Watching some good videos is powerful tools as all studies is done online. The collaboration of others is exceptionally good opportunity to get some good feedback from colleagues. We are mastering the website creation. Time to make people know the project we are working since the semester started. This week is going to set up mid-semester, what is means half of the work to become entrepreneur will be done.

W06 Reflection, Entrepreneur Journal

Join us success guarantee with teamwork. Learn trading with the experiment’s traders.

The legal paperwork is part of doing business. Many people do not like; but they are necessary and obligatory. Imagine living no service, no law how it will be? Even in the Bible it said, Romans 13:6-7, St. Paul writes, “That is also why you pay taxes, because the authorities are working for God when they fulfill their duties. Pay, then, what you owe them; pay your personal and property taxes and show respect and honor for them all.”

I did enjoy working to know where to find all information concern the taxes, legal paperwork and discussing with others did clarify many obstacles. As entrepreneur this part of work is especially important, it can save you in trouble. Starting business is challenge of making your idea clear. We been working on different steps, budget, marketing how you can promote your brand, and who is your customer. How you can manage your customer. The best of this study we are practice and living entrepreneur dreams. Listing to the people who have experience of building business many years. This is a gift to make hours dreams come truth.

By following this process, I leaned how I can start Business with nothing, or less then $100 and make this a true business. I found out how to run a fundraising, by giving service to my neighbor as in Calgary we started receiving snow, I decided to help my dear friends around by cleaning the walkway and their parking. This will help me collect the necessary money I need to start my business. What it $100, I passed flyer door to door, explaining my neighbor my mission. The money I will collect all will go to Kiva organisation, this will help someone somewhere to start or grow business.

Monga Akambu